Sunday, 15 November 2015

My first step towards Minimalism

There are no rules and regulations to minimalism. The concept is to own less stuff and it can be adapted accordingly to different lifestyles.
What drawn me to minimalism the most, is an idea that ‘less clutter means more focus on the things that matter’. The meaning of this is quite literal. The less unnecessary stuff there is around the house, the less we have to focus on them (less cleaning, less tidying, less distraction). It frees up the time to do the things that matter.
There are obviously a lot more benefits to minimalism. It’s a refreshing escape from the world revolving around consumerism; it’s an environmentally friendly concept based on ‘reduce’ and ‘reuse’ values; it contributes to spending less money, and it helps us focus on the non-materialistic matters.

I have started my route to minimalism in July this year. My first step was to declutter my home. I was shocked when I realised how much unnecessary stuff I was hoarding in my one bedroom flat. The flat didn’t necessarily feel cluttered but all of the cupboards were full, there was not much space and there was ‘stuff’ everywhere.
‘Keep’ or ‘Toss’ process was not as easy as I hoped for. It actually took me several days to go through everything and by everything, I mean EVERYTHING! Kitchen cupboards, make up, clothing, ‘man’ draws, ‘random stuff’ draws, bed sheets etc etc.

My little Fiesta’s boot as well as the back seats were full of stuff!

Two Saturdays of getting up at 6am and £200 later, and I was free from all of the unneeded and unloved clutter.

I think minimalism is not a project to be completed but it’s a continuous journey. There is still so much that I want to learn and do, and hopefully sell this idea to other people. 
I am hoping to write a few more posts about my journey with minimalism, including the difficulties I am having with putting together a minimalistic capsule wardrobe. Stay tuned!

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